How To |
If you are like me then you have several locations on the net where you enjoy sharing your work. I like to post links to my hubs and blogs on Facebook but I find that doing so can be a bit tedious at times. Copying urls to several different locations at once is a pain to say the least.
This is where NetworkedBlogs comes in to play. Instead of trying to add my posts all over the place, NetworkedBlogs offers a nice app to use within facebook. You can have it post your feeds or others feeds to your Facebook profile and page ,as well as your twitter account. Once you have the sync set up no further action is required on your part.
Now the reason for me writing this post is when you want to use NetworkedBlogs to publish your own blogs and hubs you will have to verify that you are the owner of said posts. Getting verified with blogger was a snap. I just copied the supplied gadget and placed it in my sidebar. Verifying authorship on Hub Pages was a bit more difficult.
The way I ended up having to verify my hubs was to add the html code for the simple badge provided by NetworkedBlogs into a text capsule using the html editor within the capsule on one of my hubs. In order for the verification to work this way you will need to change the url of your Hub profile page you supplied on NetworkedBlogs to the url of the hub you inserted the link into. After it is verified you can change the feed url back to your profile page.
Hopefully this will save you the few hours it took me to figure out. There is another alternative if you are unable to confirm you are the author. You will have to get 5 friends to agree that you are the writer of the hubs that you are trying to claim ownership to. This can be a pain since they will have to install the Networked app themselves to do so.