Thursday, February 24, 2011

Improving Your Sound Quailty For Your Videos

I just published a hub showing a technique I use to make my Youtube Videos Sound better. Took me 7 hours to make and now I have a massive headache =\ The time I spent was worth it though and soon I will have a new video out to go right along with the explanation.

Some people think you can only get exhausted from physical activity. If you use your mind enough the same effect can be felt. Hopefully I will sleep decently tonight at least lol.

Full How-To Article

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Verify You Are The Author Of Your Hubs On Networkedblogs

How To
If you are like me then you have several locations on the net where you enjoy sharing your work. I like to post links to my hubs and blogs on Facebook but I find that doing so can be a bit tedious at times. Copying urls to several different locations at once is a pain to say the least.

This is where NetworkedBlogs comes in to play. Instead of trying to add my posts all over the place, NetworkedBlogs offers a nice app to use within facebook. You can have it post your feeds or others feeds to your Facebook profile and page ,as well as your twitter account. Once you have the sync set up no further action is required on your part.

Now the reason for me writing this post is when you want to use NetworkedBlogs to publish your own blogs and hubs you will have to verify that you are the owner of said posts. Getting verified with blogger was a snap. I just copied the supplied gadget and placed it in my sidebar. Verifying authorship on Hub Pages was a bit more difficult.

The way I ended up having to verify my hubs was to add the html code for the simple badge provided by NetworkedBlogs into a text capsule using the html editor within the capsule on one of my hubs. In order for the verification to work this way you will need to change the url of your Hub profile page you supplied on NetworkedBlogs to the url of the hub you inserted the link into. After it is verified you can change the feed url back to your profile page.

Hopefully this will save you the few hours it took me to figure out. There is another alternative if you are unable to confirm you are the author. You will have to get 5 friends to agree that you are the writer of the hubs that you are trying to claim ownership to. This can be a pain since they will have to install the Networked app themselves to do so.

I Could Use A Day Off

I feel so tired today and I really don't know why. Maybe it is due to all the writing and work I have done lately. I have not been as productive today as I would like but that is ok since I suppose I can take a day off here and there and shouldn't expect myself to be able to put in 12+ hours daily working on projects.

Since I started blogging and working on other social type sites online I am amazed at how much I have learned. There really is no end to what you can find out online. For example I learned a very simple technique yesterday to make a regular photo look like this. It can be fun and tiring at the same time to learn and apply page design. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel refreshed and ready to go again.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fetch And Some Facelifts

The past 2 days have been very productive for me. Yesterday I gave this blog and my Youtube page a face lift. The link buttons above were the hardest part. Designing them was easy and fun actually coding them was a whole different story. I am happy with the changes though so it was worth it =]

Today I finally was able to film our kitten playing fetch. She would usually stop playing whenever we tried to film. Here is the video I posted on Youtube.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Build A Home Recording Studio

Recently I posted a hub article about how to build a studio at home. I went into detail for each of the components and provided some prices. So far it has only cost $750 and I bought a part at a time thanks to donations from some family.Personal audio studios can be much cheaper depending on what you want.

My home studio setup consists of the PC I had before a midi keyboard controller, audio interface and some mo monitoring headphones. All I need now is a mic then I will have a decent DAW (digital audio workstation) personal studio that suits all my recording needs and production needs.

If you would like to see how easy and affordable it is to make your own audio studio Check out my Article.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Learning Music Theory

Learning Music Theory: Is a hub that I made yesterday explaining why I found learning a little bit of music theory really helped me out. Enjoy =]

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Back to work

Finally I have made up my mind after months of debating. The 10 or so unheard songs I have laid out will become my first album. I will begin to perfect and record them soon. Until now I have been unsure what I wanted to do with them. At one point I even wanted to make them the soundtrack of a movie, well I still do but that will take much longer to accomplish. As for right now they do no good just sitting in my mind. Music is about sharing and I would like to share these songs now.

One of the factors in the long time it took me to make a decision has been the originality of the songs. Very little of my current published content is much more than freestyle works at the time. This new batch of songs has more structure to them and I pretty happy with them. Some can be pretty complicated so perfecting them will takes a bit longer than I would like but the result will be worth it.

Another factor prolonging my release of these songs has been the lack of decent equipment and production knowledge on my part. This is no longer an issue as I have built and learned to use a decent little home studio over time. Now I can begin recording.

This being my debut album and my first big step to the many things that I wish to accomplish with my music, I cant help but think many other musicians also may have worried about their works being copied/stolen when they are just starting out. This fear has held me back from doing what I love for a long time now. Everyone has to start somewhere though so I made the choice to start sharing what I have done so everyone can enjoy the songs. That is what music is meant to be about anyways =]

Friday, February 11, 2011

Playing Nicely With Others

For the past few weeks I have been pretty active on Youtube. Amazing how much hidden talent is on that site. I have come across all sorts of artists that probably deserve a contract more than many of the people who are currently signed. For this reason I have began collaborating with some of the Youtube artists. I will be using what skills I have to help them make a really good track with their own songs. Its a win win all around since helping them will be good production practice for me and the results will be good for the artist own portfolio.

The best part is being able to help people with their dreams and the happiness it brings them when dreams become a reality.