Friday, March 4, 2011

Another Re-design

For some reason I thought I would redo my Blog design again. I am pretty pleased with the results after spending half the day working on it.

In other news I have been working on my other media sites. Twitter still needs a new design but that is low on my priority's right now.

Traffic has been slowly picking up on my Youtube and Hubs as well as Facebook and Reverbnation. My efforts are beginning to pay off. I also recorded a new song the other day, I still have to edit that and review it to see if its up to my standards. Sometimes I am too hard on myself -.- I also added a page for my cats on here but I will need to fill in comments. So far it is just pictures.

Thanks to the one person who reads this eventually. I hope I didn't bore you too much. At least the Blog looks good right? =]

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